“Christianity will have power” (to [eventually] make us all conform.)

Why was King David punished for taking a census of his military might (see 1 Chronicles 21)? David was warned to not incite the Lord’s anger by doing so, but he did it anyway. Likewise, we have been seduced to take matters into our own hands as we have made a bargain with a terrible human being who promised to bring the full military, economic, and legal might of the United States to fight for ‘Christian’ interests. Are we so confident that the demeanor of God has changed regarding our trusting in worldly power? Why was Simon the magician rebuked by Peter for trying to buy the power the Apostles exhibited (see Acts 8:9- 24)? Yet we sing songs in churches across our land and the world which are associated with ‘ministries’ which sell you training on how to gain the power of a prophet for yourself.

We are corrupt. We have been too blinded by self-serving charlatans to see it. The world marvels at our capitulation in embracing a man, as our champion, who is a cruel and a blatantly self-serving liar. A man who only cares about himself.

The fact that there are those who dispute what is obvious is a terrifying testament to our rejection of the very concept of truth. As I’ve preached for decades, our rejection of the Standard through willful ignorance and neglect has led by the nose to embrace human champions who lead us to feel certain things. The most prolific liars win in such a game. Bribes and rewards for personal fealty becomes the ruling ethic (I cite the groveling Mike Pence as evidence of this.) The man of chaos has risen as he seeds violence to his own benefit. He is our man, the ‘Christian’s man.’ We’ve become fear-mongering synchronists as we crawl into bed with Q-anon carelessly spreading their lies because it is so easy. (I do not participate in social media for reasons of protest, but I still get apprised of what is being spread on Facebook from what my wife tells me of what’s circulating; I am regularly appalled. As an example, here is a link from a site with a bit more journalistic integrity to rebut the false claims which are tearing this country to pieces.)

Christians, need I quote scripture to say that we ought to be people who ought to be slow to judge (meaning: examine the evidence) and lovers of truth? Are we too lazy to do a word search on the words ‘sober’ and ‘truth’ on our Bible App anymore? Q-anon types may quote scripture while they fool you into thinking Trump is our savior from the pedophile, bloodsucking demoncrats, but in pledging allegiance to that man we violate the principles God says should regulate our behavior and thought processes. Instead of leading by example, we’ve bent the knee to political power; we are seeing the fruit of our alliance with ugliness (which is supposed to fight something which is even more ugly. See John 13:15, Philippians 3:17-21, 1 Timothy 1: 12-17.) It is in this kind of environment that people like the McCloskey’s gain such a prominent voice in the new, collective vision for the Christian, Republican (and ‘White-values’ dominated) America.

Due to God’s continuing grace through thousands of years of thinking we can do it better, there are still Christians (?) who understand what the Biblical response to all the ugliness Trump provides us ought to be. Billy Graham, I believe, was well intentioned as he thought that politicians could be persuaded to Christian thought and action but instead the church became enticed by the power of government to achieve its perceived goals. Jerry Falwell Sr. started the Moral Majority to clean up our country using political power as the means. Decades of rhetoric and action by millions of boots on the ground has formed the new Republican Party who, in turn, erected its image of itself—Donald Trump (his meteoric and sudden rise shows this since he is an ‘outsider’ who did not rise up through its ranks.) Now the GOP functions as an institution of worship to that image (which, getting down to the brass tacks, is self-worship of those who make up ‘the Party.’) No party platform was offered at the convention; all the ‘philosophy’ and ‘policy’ of the ‘Party’ lies in the capricious whims of The Donald and in the endless parade of his lies. (Pointing this out should make it clear what I think about the Church and its ‘fixity’ in anything.) If this doesn’t make him a type of antichrist I don’t know what else would. He lives for adoration; he demands total loyalty to him—law, tradition, or decency be damned.

Am I wrong?

I am outnumbered as it seems the holiest among us see much higher values than those alluded to previously; I’ve apparently failed to recognize these values as a majority of my peers have. Have I been so blind as to benefits of power? I have friends (and former friends) and relatives who believe Trump is The Man and will not be persuaded otherwise. What do they know, which I do not? Has the long, slow death of (old ideas concerning) truth led the wise to make a commitment, (perhaps not overtly, but implicitly) that Trump himself is our source of truth? Are the ungodly out to get him because Trump wants to destroy the ‘deep state’ which is the true source of the lies which plague our existence? This makes him a savior, does it not? Just about everyone else, including me, in this new world is lying about the ‘truth’ then. My whole world has been crushed by my peers as to all what I’ve held previously to be true. How do I make the change to conform?

Thousands of years of philosophers and theologians struggling to understand the ‘will of God,’ ethics, and the myriad of epistemological traps (which, I (use to?) believe, protect our freedom) has collapsed into blind faith, the most powerful faith there is, into a human champion. Our (lack of) patience with all the evil in the world has led us to take power into our own hands. This new model brings up questions. All my libertarian proclivities are a horror to God? Mercy yields to force? Mercy if…? What drives us to understand each other? Certainly, empathy would theoretically be easier if we were more alike, wouldn’t it? Compliance could make this possible. Is this God’s Will? Persuasion using reason (1 Peter 3:15?) is no longer the method as it is too uncertain; such a posture yields too much. The messy epistemologies of belief will yield to the certainties of knowledge direct from God through those whose success makes the blessing of that connection sure. Truth is understood within the bounds of the greatest faith. God is doing a ‘new thing.’ ‘Reason’ is only the tool of those who have not heard from God firsthand. These firsthand accounts tell me I am outside the will of God; I must change else I be damned to be outcast.

So, God help me, descending into this new world to save my soul, I must believe…

Chloroquine is a ‘miracle’ drug for Covid 19 which is being heavily suppressed by the ‘deep state’ who hates Trump the truthteller. Apparently, as the one of little faith sees it, thousands of evil doctors would rather see their patients die than hand Trump a win (or the doctors just don’t see the ‘truth’ as Trump does.) I’ll try harder… The rule of non-contradiction, a rule of fallen reason, which basically states that two conflicting claims cannot possibly be true (though they can both be false,) is not valid. For example, when Trump tells Woodward that Corona is deadly stuff and tells the public that Corona is nothing to worry about, apparently, I (we) don’t understand the wisdom of why Trump did that. (‘Panic’ was a stated reason, which apparently, we should be panicked about what will happen if Biden gets the reigns—but ah me of little faith!)

I need to find and understand the great faith of those Christian leaders whose holiness and apparent favor of the Almighty have protected their congregations from COVID as other, as it would seem, ‘lesser’ congregations who’ve been hit hard by the disease for their lack of faith and good standing with the LORD. I need to relearn that we are not here to bridge gaps, make friends with, or gain understanding of people from other cultures to win their hearts and minds. There are winners and losers, and always ‘America First!’ The foreigner must learn that American Christianity is the true Christianity; if they wish to gain the favor of the one true God, they must become like us. And always remember to give thanks to God that I’m not like those unfortunate souls living in those ‘shithole’ countries.

I must believe that Trump continues to bring to us what ought to be—that he is the path to Christian power (and the New Earth.) His success proves it. He is risen miraculously through the corrupt democratic institutions to destroy the powers of those institutions. That is what he was hired to do and he’s doing it. Conventional wisdom and the testimony of history interprets the actions of Trump as aligning with the playbook of authoritarians, but I must understand to whom Trump is really working for-God Almighty. Only the fallen worry about reasoning out the origins of ethical action (such as depicted in Socrates’ dialog with Euthyphro.) God decides (divine fiat) what is right and tells His servants (whom you who know by the testimony of their success) His Will. Those who lack firsthand knowledge must have faith in his servants who tell us that God’s omnipotence works through us and our faith. It is not finished. We must believe and act with confidence to win the race, accomplish the goals, lest God’s omnipotence (and competence) be questioned (if the plan should fail.)

Putting this into human terms I can understand, God is building His [planned community] on earth and there will be a new [Home Owners Association] to keep things tidy. This is what is best for me. Understanding the new terms leads me to conclude that my own interests and comfort dictate that I must fit in with the ruling association’s standards; I thus must wisely choose conformity to safeguard my freedom. ‘Tis God’s Will that ‘we’ should have power. It might take me a bit to figure out how who the intended ‘we’ is in this formulation so please be patient with me on my journey to true (personal?) freedom in God’s Will. Endeavoring to be a new man…

Hallelujah and Amen.

P.S. I confess that do hope I like the new color scheme… oh yeah, I’m already white. Whew! Dodged that one!  Oh. Dang. Ok. Reset. Try again….