“Outrage is not a Fruit of the Spirit”

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23.

I went to church yesterday with my wife on one of those rare Sundays when not working. We had a guest speaker, the very few people present (largely due to widespread consternation about the mask mandate) were ‘socially distanced’ about the sanctuary, everyone was wearing a mask. I thought it was responsible behavior. (If everyone did this to protect each other—the mandates that so many people complain about would not be necessary; but I digress.) Not getting into the meat of the sermon, I’ll instead focus on one small, almost inconsequential, part of it in which the point was made that “Outrage is not a fruit of the Spirit.”

The statement was well-intentioned. As I understood and interpreted the context in which the statement was made, it implied to me personally that a good and proper Christian response to the raging clown show of dangerous divisions in our country, largely fomented and enabled by the dominant Christian Right, is to be meek and mild. A mousy, kind Christian is a good Christian. I’ve been told this by many people, in various ways throughout my life but somehow, I haven’t been convinced of it yet. Yes sir, I know ‘outrage’ did not make Paul’s list. And yes sir, I realize ‘outrage’ is what is compelling the lies which empower the Trumpites to rip this country apart with all this Q-anon and election fraud nonsense. (And if this is what you meant to address then kudos; however, you did not elaborate and clarify as perhaps you should have.) You, as I interpreted, appeared to be talking mainly about an emotional response (to any stimuli,) which, in and of itself, mildness is not necessarily a bad thing—if it is discerned to be the right response within the given conditions. I don’t believe the emotional component alone determines the ‘rightness’ of any response. The head should govern primarily. As Solomon taught, everything has its season. I believe clearly that this season demands outrage. The debate is not about outrage itself, but concerns the question of whether or not the outrage is justified.

Considering Jesus’ example, I ask myself the question of how ‘mild’ Jesus was in confronting the (most likely very worked up) crowd about to stone a woman for adultery? Can we imagine the tone of the statement, “Who here is without sin?” How gentle was Jesus when delivering the ‘seven woes’ speech to the Pharisees? Were those words peaceful, patient, and kind? Can we say that Jesus was not outraged when overturning the money-changing tables at the Temple? Was He less-than gentle? Did He lose his sense of self-control? Ezekiel (as I brought up in a previous post) recorded the Lord’s words of indignation towards Israel for its lying princes and prophets who oppressed the poor widows, orphans, and aliens. Outrage is listed as a synonym of indignation in my thesaurus. The Spirit is God. These words were spoken according to the Spirit, are they not His fruit since they come from Him?

Context is especially important in interpretation. This is Paul’s list of the ‘works of the flesh.’

“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.” Galatians 5:20-21

The contrast between fleshly and spiritual desires which motivate us to action provides a context for what Paul was driving at. As I interpret the Christian Right’s entanglement with political power to right society’s wrongs, they’ve stirred up (at least) enmity, strife, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, and divisions. As evidenced by the number of enemies I’ve accumulated by being vocal about my opposition to Trumpian-religious syncretism, it seems I could well be accused of many of these crimes on the fleshly list as well; and here is where we are. The difference lies not necessarily in the feeling experienced in the middle of a conflict but in the intention towards a desired outcome–whether it be for selfish reasons or not. The common denominator behind the motivation for causing strife and dissention determining the rightness or wrongness of it lies in the motive of the doer to either gain power for himself or to sacrifice himself for the freedom of others. I do not see any evidence at all that either Trump or his enablers in the Republican party and in the Christian Right are willing to sacrifice themselves for anyone. It is a vicious world these people are creating; the master(s) will turn on even the most loyal supporters if the most absurd demands of the ‘leaders’ are not met. They openly seek to be our lords, and millions of us believe they are only hope for our freedom. This is so sad for all of us.

A majority of Christians recognize the ‘prophets’ (whether or not you even understand this) which inspire the faithful to (as I see the devotion in those who hate me for my view of the man) worship Trump. As I see it, you have sold yourselves to, and effectively worship, a devil. That means I am accusing many in the church of the crime of idolatry for this devotion and adulation. I also am accusing many in the church of following false prophets who make all sorts of claims concerning conversations with God in which they’re given privileged information to then pass on to those who are hungry for this sort of thing, and who also describe trips to heaven to help enforce their ‘favored’ status among the faithful. They make up stuff about future events to satisfy our desire for control over the future (and supernatural things.) This, as I see it, is a form of sorcery which leads to serious dissentions and divisions within the body. This body of lies provides cover for the princes to then lie as well. Peer pressure is applied to silence opposition to the prevailing winds in Christian culture. (Understanding this helps me deal emotionally with how people tend to react to what I have to say.)

Becoming ‘outraged’ about this mass apostacy is largely unacceptable; this majority acceptance of what is ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control’ has taken decades as the charismatics have done their work to remove reason and the really hard scholarly work out of the biblical interpretation equation. Feelings now rule. (Surveys showing the very significant decline in biblical literacy among churchgoers objectively demonstrate this.) People like me are shamed as troublemakers who, in ‘fits of anger,’ create strife and dissention where there should be none. The peacemakers amongst us do the gentle thing to remind the fierier souls to take it easy. What is seen by the passionate as being left out are the commitments (faithfulness) to the fruit of goodness which is being trampled by all the liars feeding on the gullible. Saying that ‘goodness’ is only distantly related to ‘truth’ uncouples what could anchor the more emotionally fragile among us from confidence in believing any promise. This is the theology which is strongly implied by today’s feelings (as guided by our leadership which appeals to our authoritarian proclivities as a species) which are understood to have an almost direct correlation to the ‘truth’ of whatever proclamation is being made or other stimuli being experienced. It’s in the music, atmosphere (lights and special effects,) liturgy, and physical structure of how we do church. The ‘feelings’ approach to ministry among the faithful, and evangelism to the young, both does not work (as the young are leaving the church in droves—they want moral substance, which they largely not getting) and alienate the broken (as they are taught they must feel and express ‘joy’ to be a true part of the club.) This, quite frankly, is cruel and alienating to those who have not submitted and acclimated to that culture. The dispelling of reason and diversity which leads to the formation of a cultural exclusivity (in the process ‘Americanizing’ our Christianity) should be (seen as) outrageous; but it isn’t.

This is why I had such a visceral reaction to the well-meaning statement that “Outrage is not a fruit of the Spirit;” I am outraged by the feelings dominant theology which alienates and separates, as it (among other things) leaves the faithful unable to morally reason well enough to understand that worshipping, as the hope for a future Christian America, a man like Trump, is morally bankrupt and a terrible witness to the love of God. We’ve been blinded by a large group of evil ‘teachers,’ ‘prophets,’ and ‘apostles’ who are well-connected politically. The faithful, understandably, do no wish to hear that they’ve been duped. How easy it is to preach a sermon urging us to be gentle, ‘not judge lest ye be judged,’ to be ‘meek’ and mild, to exhibit patience, and self-control which does not seek to inform the listener of what the grammatical-historical, in-context, approach (and, getting really deep into hermeneutics, the ‘relevance theory’ approach, which I’m familiar with this methodology having taken an intro to linguistics class in college; here is a very brief introduction) to interpreting what the biblical meaning of those qualities is (or should be) to then act accordingly as situations and conditions dictate. Taking a host of biblical virtues and qualities as an absolute can lead to conflicts between seemingly conflicting virtues; considering this reality, there has to be a season for everything.

Throwing out a term like ‘outrage’ without a whole lot of discussion about its possible justification, leaves the listener to fill in his or her own meaning (as defined by the dominant culture in which the word is heard) to reaffirm what they already believe. One can simply fill in the blank of ‘outrage’ with ‘lefty’s’ burning, looting, and breaking windows—‘nough said. There is little to challenge the listener with the idea that there may be issues worth being outraged about. This can close avenues to conversation, to people being heard, which leads to alienation, resentment, hatred, and ultimately, violence. As Dr. King wisely pointed out, “Riot is the language of the unheard.”

In my mind, if you really want to be a peacemaker, you should work to hear everyone and provide a forum in which they may be heard by opposing those who build systems which keep people out. We honestly believe we can keep the peace by building walls—either literally or figuratively. We divide others to protect ourselves; we segregate and isolate one group from other in some self-protective scheme using echo-chambers, special interest economic protections, churches, and prisons to do it. This is easy road we’ve been on. Peacemaking, as I understand it, is the hard road of getting rid of presuppositions, lies, and the automatic labels; ‘god-haters,’ ‘socialists,’ ’communists,’ ‘criminals,’ and the like. This may mean getting uncomfortable with and then outraged about our extensive efforts to reassert a ‘white, Christian values America’ which actively persecutes the most vulnerable amongst us to live lives of shame and separation. Instead of taking the harder road by looking for the elusive ‘mean’ in understanding, for the compromise, or the extended offer of peace, and a ‘place at the table,’ we do the ‘easy’ thing by going scorched earth to demand that those who have been mistreated by us should ‘none-the-less’ bend the knee so they may gain our favor. This is a recipe for war, and it is what the Christian Right has brought us (now having its nadir in its champion and representative Donald Trump.) I’m afraid this atmosphere has led me to believe those who shush me to be gentle (and that good fellow yesterday was not personally calling me out as he likely doesn’t know me from Adam,) are likely either totally blind to what is happening or are actively working (conscious of it or not) to keep the status quo because it ‘feels’ safer. It isn’t.

These days are outrageous and as such ‘these days’ are screaming for moral discernment and courage. As I understand it, in a biblical sense, ‘outrage’ can be righteous since, as pointed out previously, God Himself has been ‘outraged.’ I’m called to be an imitator, am I not?

Difficult times are ahead, which will be largely governed by fear. The church is governed by fear as evidenced by the kind of man they chose to be their representative. Unthoughtful, arrogant (which pairs well with ignorance,) fearful (unable to tolerate dissent or question,) authoritarian (demanding total loyalty to him, all others be damned,) uneducated and uninterested, pragmatic, and dishonest (weaving tales which have no bearing in reality,) compiles a pretty good representation of our neo-apostolic, politically connected, mega-church networks of today. The voice projected by these networks is extremely loud, as the world sees ‘Jesus-people,’ the image they see is largely of them. It is about time to get educated, which will provide a proper base for the outrage; then grow a backbone and speak out against this evil—no matter what it costs. Our country must have its reckoning.  

We must demand that the dirt be exposed despite the pain and embarrassment. It did not work out well for the former Soviet Union to forego its reckoning with the evils of communism and corruption; it fell right back into nostalgia longing for the good ol’ days. Likewise, if we do not expose all the crime, corruption, incompetence, and evil in the Trump administration, and all of the complaisance to all these evils by his Christian enablers, then the nation will not, and cannot heal. The echo chambers will be filled with smug, confident, self-righteous, and woefully ignorant crusaders who will perpetuate the culture of lies by just making stuff up without evidence which a more capable authoritarian will advantage himself to bring us even greater evil in the future; and the (Q-anon infested) church will cheer this.

Truth will be merely limited by the number of possibilities which is (and will continue to be) a total disaster. If this claim is confusing to you, think of it this way: [Q1] Is it possible there are little green men zipping about in outer space in flying saucers? [Q2] Is it likely? [Q3] Is there reason to believe this is happening? Yes is the obvious answer to the first question [Q1] and no is the reasonable answer to the following questions [Q1 & Q2] due to the complete lack of evidence [for Q1] which determines that it would be unjustified to believe there are little green men flying around in alien spacecraft. Trump’s claims of election fraud are functionally equivalent as there has been a complete lack any evidence to support the many accusations. Yet people believe flying saucers without evidence just like they believe in Trump by the millions—and in the genuine and truly funny co-believer Melissa Carone! (Thank you, God, very much for humor to get us through! Getting back into seriousness…)  

Barring any hunger (or at least curiosity) for actual evidence to back the many claims from our authorities, the ‘apostles’ and ‘prophets’ will ‘whitewash’ for their princes, and the vulnerable (and the skeptics) will continue to be outcast. But man, will we feel righteous and confident…

It is time for outrage. It is time for division. It is time to argue. It is time to expose. As it is also time to laugh, and teach others to laugh, at just how stupid this ‘movement’ is (here is an old example of how this could be done,) so we can all lower our guard enough to repent, forgive ourselves and each other, and then laugh at our own stupidity to hope that we don’t get fooled again.


Another Trumpian ode to his own greatness in defending this country from the fraudsters

To the tune of Disturbed’s ‘Indestructible’

The only hope of ours today
Blood brothers proudly carry the colors again
Not loath through scorn to defend                                       
To spin dishonor, being me, bushwhacked again              
No explanation after the accusations begin
Unleashed the dark destroyer, not to my chagrin
Bringing damnation, raising hell to the bitter end
I do uncover the war ya’ll wage on truth, descend

To overthrow
That time has come

Conflagration in what is corruptible
From the other side
Their errors were foretold
Annihilation may be unavoidable
Against freedom’s archenemy bestow
Strike the opponent, had to be, convincible
Undermine election’s confidence deprive
I’m the indestructible master, adore

Sufficient reason
Other scofflaws for me to fight
I’ll yet uncover a big fuse for me to light
An abnegation of all I’ve been sworn to protect
You carry out my orders or I’ll be upset
My domination embedded along with my kin
Determinant pathfinder of the wisest plan
My idolization alone gives reason to strike
No creed to know, our democracy’s fight for its life

Sick Libs we own
Pound until numb

Our dirty elections are so corruptible
Just the other side, a terror to behold
Abomination with me is avoidable
All of my spoken enemies will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while I contrive
I’m the untouchable Master, adore.

I’m irresistible
Determination that is so predictable
And to the lefty’s, a terror to behold
Their annihilation is that which you’ve been sold
So all God’s enemies will know
That their opponent had to be unsinkable
Massive fraud all around while they connive
Their lies inexhaustible (inexhaustible)

Our bifurcation that is choose now friend or foe
Anger justified standard-bearer I scold
As the election will be voidable  
Then all my broken enemies will know
That their savior treads a path so intractable
Make America Great Again We’ve arrived!
I’m the unforgettable Master, Adore!


Pro-Trump evangelical Kenneth Copeland laughs manically over media calling Biden’s win – YouTube

“And the word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, say to her, You are a land that is not cleansed or rained upon in the day of indignation. The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured human lives; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst. Her priests have done violence to my law and have profaned my holy things. They have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean, and they have disregarded my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, shedding blood, destroying lives to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have smeared whitewash for them, seeing false visions and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD,’ when the LORD has not spoken. The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery. They have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the sojourner without justice. And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Therefore I have poured out my indignation upon them. I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath. I have returned their way upon their heads, declares the Lord GOD.” Ezekiel 22: 23 – 31

These words recorded in the book of Ezekiel, which are better than 2500 years old, apply today—because people are people. I’ve linked this biblical passage to some ‘teaching’ from an old, powerful, laughing fool millions call a prophet of God. Copeland called down curses to end the COVID in Jesus name; COVID is still around killing lots of people. This man of braggadocios falsehood has no fear of anything, and neither are his mask-less followers who have too much faith to fear the virus Ken has cursed. In the faithful ‘Christian’ sense, as demonstrated by this behavior, the virus just kills those who lack a sufficient amount and quality of faith. God loves some more than he loves the others.

Being wrong (in a scientific, objective falsifiable sense anyway) apparently has no perceived negative consequence for the faithful (at least for now.) Copeland is a very rich man, and he is thick as thieves with the New Apostolics—a godfather of sorts who claims to have regular conversations with the Almighty. Thousands of imitators have risen from his example. The poison of this ‘movement’ has infected the Church as this yeast works its way through the dough. We believe these people even if we are not consciously aware of them; and when we are (aware of them) the cognitive dissonance has reached the level of absurd—we fear them despite these slick tricksters being so despicably and predictably wrong all the time. It pains me that I am largely a pariah among the faithful since I would dare speak against those who’ve prophesied so clearly about the One in which so many have placed their hope. Dare I say, the LORD has not spoken? One heresy; let’s move on to more of my heretical positions, shall we?

Trump has lost the election (cue the laughter;) but he has a plan. He is free the lie to the people and doing so serves a very important purpose; his millions of devoted followers, who seem to have lost the power of discernment, will ensure that Trump maintains power within the GOP. Trump knows this; future candidates will have to “kiss the ring” to gain his endorsement. The latest information has it that a clear majority of white evangelical ‘Christians’ support Trump come hell or high water. Their ‘prophets’ have them snowed into thinking our hope lies in #DiaperDon; and many still maintain the prophecies concerning Trump remain true. As you hear it in my language, I am beyond angry. This ‘prince’ of ours feeds on us; and our prophets empower him to do so. The Christian Right has sold itself to the lies of State Power. And no, I will not join you as I’ve become convinced that there must be division before there can be healing.

Jesus had a radical message for the religious leaders of his day. Those leaders had settled into the Roman system of oppression while feathering their own nests.   Jesus preached division just as the Old Testament prophets preached separation between clean and unclean. The lines between which have been redefined to suit today’s anxieties. This question of separation has become akin to the Judaizer debate in the book of Acts. We continue on to insist the others must become like us to be acceptable to God—this, frighteningly enough (as it has ample historical precedence) lies along racial lines (as well as along ideological ones defined by our prophets.) The Others need to bend the knee, to become circumcised in a way, to assuage our fear and to bolster our confidence that we are right in our faith. Just what does it mean to be right? From what ought we separate?

Firstly, and for example, I don’t think that ceremonially there is a ‘right’ way to worship God. We have it in our heads, since it has grown in our minds as a form of entertainment, that gathering and singing certain songs, is the way to worship God. It is not that it is wrong in itself, but everything has its season; right now, we are in COVID season. Now Christians, like horse’s asses, are insisting this is THE way to worship God and by extension thrown a host of other cautions to the wind as we assert the right to worship God. Need I remind you that God’s Word says He desires mercy not sacrifice? How many have died as a result of you all asserting your rights to congregate (and many pictures have you largely mask-less) and breath the virus into each other’s lungs to then take it out into the world to infect others? Many, whom you are charged to be a witness, rightly see this behavior as merciless. Do your feelings trump mercy?

Secondly, the Bible talks about truth, a lot. How is it that when our prophets are obviously wrong, we still fear them? How is it that we follow them and the herd to embrace someone like Trump—whose divisiveness, racism, misogyny, cruelty and dishonesty is clearly demonstrable? It is beyond evident that his claims concerning the election are false; he can lie to his followers to his own benefit but he (and his agents) cannot make stuff up in Court—there are consequences (thankfully still) for lying there. This is why most of his cases have been dismissed—the is no merit to them. But our ‘prophets’ have ‘smeared whitewash’ for him and so we fear losing our investment. Is ‘truth’ what we make it (by faith)? Or is truth something larger (and intensely frightening)?

We are sitting upon a large pile of death. We stand separated amid death and suffering screaming at each other so the other will come to our side so there can be unity. Can there be unity under a banner of lies? We can’t even agree about the science of Covid as the virus is spread by those little viruses hitching a ride on the particulate matter we exhale from our lungs. We don’t even have the common courtesy to do our best to limit the risk to others. We don’t even have the discernment to hold our President to his own spoken and written words and the thousands of obvious lies therein to instead cry about ‘fake news’ and how they’re out to get him. (Seriously, how stupid are we?) Truth is lost.

We claim to be ‘Pro-life’ but back the man who oppresses the sojourner—this man’s policies literally made hundreds of orphans. (But who gives a shit right? They’re foreigners, brown people at that.) We back the man who stoked the violence to stir you all up for ‘law and order.’ We back the man who unashamedly told police officers to not be gentle, that it’s okay to rough them up a little. We back the man who insists the State has the right to kill.  It’s just us and ‘them;’ the ‘thin blue line’ enforces this separation to the death of many.  Tell me why, pro-lifers, why you are better than twice as likely to die by police action as a black man than as a white one? It’s fear and all the racist bullshit I still hear from people I talk to. (There is no way a black man is better than twice as dangerous as a white man.) We claim to be ‘pro-life’ but we back a man who has all but shut down access to asylum. Legal immigration has become prohibitively expensive. We extort money from the alien and cheered when our champion put a religious test (meaning that some are more ‘equal’ than others under the law) on immigration. We deny certain people, viewed as dangerous (and/or inferior,) justice to assuage our fear and empower our princes to ‘protect’ us.

Yes, the ‘sacred’ number of 30,000 has been reached but as look out into our neighborhoods, I see thousands of broken people. This is breaking me. It breaks me that even those who don’t have a religious reason to back Trump do so because they believe he will put more money in their pocket. We look aside from all Trump’s own looting to listen to all his bullshit about ‘draining the swamp’ (i.e. ending the kleptocracy.) Trillions are flowing up, and marvelously so under Trump’s watch, to the world’s richest people who have the money to write the laws which direct all that money upward. Trump distracts you by getting you to believe the poor brown people are the cause of your economic malaise. Yeah, we’re pro-life alright. Dare I say, for starters, if we were really ‘pro-life,’ we’d let go of all the military pork to let the economy re-direct those resources to the poor—but who going to vote for closing the base or bomb factory near you? Dare I say, if we were really pro-life, we’d let go of all that nonsense about Israel being the lynchpin of all our eschatological hopes for Jesus’ return. Yes, I mean it and here is (one of the many reasons) why.

Jesus, when being tempted by Satan to throw himself off the Temple, did not give Satan the knowledge of the way it was all going to go down; it is not wise to give your enemy the battleplan before the battle. If Jesus wasn’t wise enough to inform Satan that either He couldn’t be killed or that God would simply raise Him back to life, then that knowledge would have very likely changed Satan’s strategy to screw things up, would it not? Likewise, do you honestly think God told our ‘prophets’ and ‘teachers’ to write down the battleplan for the ‘big seven’ for all to see, wouldn’t Satan be seeing all that as well? The only way out of this would be to deny Satan freewill; but then you’d have God on the hook for all the rivers of blood which will flow according to all the ‘Left Behind’ fantasies. It is all so unnecessary and destructive.

Simply consider Jesus’ example (1 Peter 2: 21,) He said the time is in the Father’s hands and not to worry about it (Acts 1: 6-8.) His example showed that God designs things to happen according to people’s character—we are not actors running a script, but agents called to work for justice and mercy.  I have faith that His plan will work because He knows us. When we stubbornly make up stuff to engineer the ‘big’ future, we put ourselves on the hook for all the blood and injustice which comes by our hubris. When our ‘prophets’ write us a script to ‘work’ for, I’m positive they did not hear from God because that script leads us to embrace the hope for a bloody future, ignoring the plight of our brothers and sisters being oppressed in violation of decency, freedom, and international law. I believe Satan is a likely author of all the ‘Left Behind’ stuff so we’d support many unjust and merciless policies in the name of God. As I see it, Satan’s devices are working well to drag us into the filth.

Trump has been compared to Cyrus who provisioned the Jews to return to Jerusalem. I am in the minority by agreeing “there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.” Yet, my peers put heavy emphasis on Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol despite the oppression of real people in the occupied territories. For this, all Trump’s lies and cruelties are apparently overlooked. The ‘Left Behind’ stuff is a big part of why we support Trump; as well as general fear (of others) and greed. Trump’s rise was built on a mountain of lies, so it is no surprise that such an apparatus brought us a liar (and a thief.) Built on a career of bankruptcies, lawsuits, destroyed businesses, and lies, Trump, in character, is currently stealing our confidence in the system which allows those with differing opinions to live with each other. There can be no abiding such a man if you haven’t lost your mind (and your heart.)

If we are going to get through this, we cannot allow one man to dictate truth. We need to ditch the fear of being called out when we are wrong—it is a vital, corrective process. It is a truly weak person who cannot tolerate being questioned but we elected such a person to be our representative. Calling each other out is the very process by which we can get closer to the truth and maintain the greatest amount of freedom for all of us. This is scary, I know. ‘Certainty’ might be comforting but it is a sure path to grave error and profound hubris which leads to great suffering. (There is hope; the Court system has been doing a great job defending us from the Trumpian ‘truth’ of unfounded accusations.)

In conclusion, using the device of repetition to hammer this in, I would say that if we are to heal, we must separate ourselves from the lies of our prophets and princes. We must retrain our ability to discern the deceivers from the deceived so we may shun the former while having mercy on the latter. Feelings are endlessly feckless and manipulatable; our heads need to return to the game. We need to separate from the fear which compels us to embrace those who offer ‘certainty.’ There are no easy answers when people are involved. We need to separate ourselves from pining for an authoritarian ‘solution’ to protect us from that which we (are manipulated to) fear. Do not fear (Luke 12: 4.) We need to separate ourselves from the ‘prophets’ who are tearing us to pieces by spreading the lies which lead us to evil. We need to separate ourselves from those who trust in ‘chariots and horses’ (i.e. State Power. See Psalms 20: 7) to solve moral problems to rather lead by example (James 5:10) through working for justice and mercy for all. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (John 13: 15.) Again, Jesus did not advocate for the cynical use of State Power to solve moral problems, He taught us to lead by example, to act justly, and to show mercy. It is sad the seculars are clearly leading this call.

Admitting fault is the difficult path; will we be willing to admit we were wrong when the whole ‘Christian Right’ thing implodes, and ‘we’ lose power?  Without repentance there can be no healing; there can only be hatred, blame, shame, and mutual indignation for all.  Isn’t this the antithesis of what the Christian faith is about?