Fuck Trumpism

There is much consternation about Biden’s ‘declaring war on half of America’ in his speech warning of the MAGA Republican threat to democracy. There has been much handwringing of using the term semi-fascist. I say, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s likely a duck. This is what makes this whole thing so scary. I don’t want to be complicit. I don’t want to be one of those who say, well they aren’t after me. Or more furtively, we’ll make a deal with the powers that are, that the message of Christ will go out to those who submit to the political program of making America Great Again. This is not okay.

The calls for apology are debased. Trump, the amoral namesake for of the continuing lawless fuckery, has called the ‘democratic’ side fascists repeatedly. Fact. It doesn’t matter if Biden calls for an honest election process, governed by law and integrity, the god-fearing Republican believes that in an election either they win or if they lose then cheating must have occurred. All trust is dead. All honesty is dead. All truth is dead.

How then does democracy exist? There is no will of the people. There is only war. And this is where we are. I have rejected the evangelical program to ‘save America.’ Trump himself campaigned on protecting classified material, signed orders to strengthen penalties in mishandling such material, yet in his own world acts as if he is beyond the law. When the leadership acts as though they are beyond the law, that is fascism. It’s close enough. When Trump becomes the law onto himself that is enough. When Lindsey Graham threatens, calls for violence, if the Republican party does not get what it wants, that’s close enough. Anybody with half a brain knows that many within the Republican Party hates that lazy, incompetent motherfucker Donald Trump but knows that the people, this body of q-infused stupid, racist, white supremacist folk who finance all this are not to be trifled with. Thus, Donald Trump remains king. Kiss his big white disgusting ass. It all doesn’t matter. Fascism is enough. God save America.

And so, we have the Christian infused system of ass-kissery for the greater good. There is no escape. We have the fetishism of flags, and freedom, and of good Christian acquiescence to evil in making America Great Again. All wrapped up in a system of supposed good conduct and loyalty to our anointed. Of course, we commonly see deep inevitable conflict soon. Belief in apocalypticism guarantees this. I don’t want this on my conscience.

As the host of ‘Unfucking the Republic’ claims, we are indeed fucked. Fascism is a movement, a way of thinking, a deep resentment of those who are ‘not us,’ which will lead to inevitable concentrations of power to correct what those in power have been led to believe ails society. I don’t think this can be corrected, and so I grieve.

There is no apology from me. All that is left is defiance. You are hypocrites. You are fascists. Come what may. Fuck you all.