Sarcasm thus defined : Me responding to Trump’s light and Lysol idea…
While we’re at it being silly…
The Press’ response to Trump’s request for a redo on just about anything…
Like Trump at a Red Hat Rally proving his genius to his supporters…
who have likely heard about applying heat and light to Covid 19 from this guy…
and are living, re-living and inspiring stories like these where America can be great again if you just play your part and don’t ask too many deep questions…
As those of us who pay attention to fake news realize that talking sense is very unlikely to make sense to those following a pure ideal and sure prophetic reality, we learn that wisdom has been exchanged for innocence and come to the realization that after four more years of this our fate may be fixed–still all the while hoping something may penetrate…
and so within this beautiful, perfect atmosphere of blissful ignorance, I leave us all to our fate… What we don’t know can’t hurt us, right?