No Shortage of Either Evil or Idiocy

A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin. Proverbs 26:28

Our liar, traitor, and arsonist, and all his enablers, are in good part responsible for this invasion of a sovereign nation bringing death, destruction, and mayhem upon the Ukrainian people. (The unfortunate reality, in our world swimming in bullshit, is that this vicious invasion is good news for Trump.) Many of our commentators are focusing on Trump’s calling Putin brilliant for making this unprovoked assault. Some are defending his comments as sarcasm—which is ridiculous considering his history of praise for (and agreement with) the depraved Russian dictator. Was it really sarcasm that he suggested we should deploy ‘peacekeepers’ on our southern border? Love is hate, hate is love, peace is war, war is peace…

It is beyond my comprehension the depth of the depravity of those who both fear and worship Trump. The commitment is seemingly unshakable. A terrible, deep wound—an unbridgeable gap has emerged separating me from the Church (the practitioners of whom, by a vast majority, support that man despite his wickedness in all the incoherent, obvious, bald-faced lies—it’s just astounding.) I’m sorry God. I can’t stomach anymore.

Now that I’m retired from my former profession, and catching up on sleep, I’ll be describing and documenting various stages and aspects of my struggle to reconcile the leaving of a faith I can longer keep in good conscience. Maybe some good can emerge from this. Maybe I can help somebody out there facing the same horrible conclusions I’m coming to. I do care about people.

Firstly, I would like to urge you to join with the Ukrainian people in raising our middle fingers in the air towards all liars, bootlickers, ass-kissers, sycophants, yes-men, two-faced schemers, and the cowardly opportunists and send money to Ukraine to aid them in this fight. It is depraved to be afraid of utterly cutting off Russia from the world; the people suggesting we shouldn’t go this far because it might hurt us should be ashamed of themselves. The Ukrainian people are dying and are standing strong in the face of superior firepower and savage brutality. You’re afraid to pay more for gas? I’ll gladly pay more. The world must stand against Putin—a thoroughly evil man.

(And we must stand against that jack-ass who has repeatedly smoked Putin’s dick for an invitation to the club.)

Here is a link to someone on the ground near Kyiv…

I am going to stand against the Church (which is wound up in world of lies as it is led from the top by evil men and women who’ve exalted themselves as our lords) who helped make this, and many other horrible things, happen.

The task of resisting our own oppression does not relieve us of the responsibility of acknowledging our complicity in the oppression of others.” — Beverly Daniel Tatum

Until later,
