The theocracy has a foothold

Roe v. Wade has fallen. I have yet to read Alito’s majority opinion which I’ve heard is substantively much the same as the one leaked back in May. This is quite a day; one for the history books. ‘Originalism,’ however hard to define, is now the assumed rule of the land as SCOTUS ramps up to full speed. I will read the opinion in full and dissect it. But for now, just a few words of serious concern from middle aged white male.

I’m no fan of abortion; I seriously doubt anyone is. Alito’s promises that this decision will only affect abortion is obviously disingenuous. Having taken Constitutional Law at WSU, earning an A, graduating Summa Cum Laude (to say that I’m not a slouch,) I found that SCOTUS decisions frequently reversed previous law in favor of, and in accordance with, the current political winds. My initial thought is that this is different. Despite the majority opinion that Roe should not be reversed, a 50-year established ‘right’ has been taken away. This is right up there with the Dred Scott decision in terms of egregiousness. From the leaked opinion, as I discussed this with my daughter, a recent graduate of Law School, Alito’s reasoning can be applied to a great number of rights, not specifically found in the original Constitution, which many Americans have fought hard for in recent decades. Despite promises, we know, by the principles of stare decisis, as silly and irrelevant as that is, that other formerly regarded Constitutional freedoms will fall as well. When they say they won’t do it, they lie. The Christian Right is just getting started as the door has clearly opened to minority rule.

The poor will feel the immediate impact. But that is how it commonly goes. I hope that it remains peaceful, but doubt it will. I know that many women support this decision, but I seriously doubt these women are currently the most vulnerable. It’s all a very slippery slope and is very frightening to someone who studies history. If we thought we had a divided nation before, tomorrow will reveal further the increasing widening of this divide.

Instead of working to foster increasing the power of vulnerable women and to provide comprehensive sex education which would lower the number of abortions, the Christian Right now uses force to make its adherents feel better about themselves. This is what the game is. Abortions will continue and more vulnerable women will die. Fact. But those in the Christian Right don’t care much about that. And now we are supposed to believe you when you promise you won’t use this reasoning to reverse a whole lot of other rights the vulnerable have fought so hard for? You lie; you embrace a treasonous liar as your savior who has delivered a fascist SCOTUS to you—to do your will. People will die; you don’t give one shit for those living who are not you. Women are ultimately the property of men. It doesn’t matter one bit for rape, incest, or even, in some cases, ectopic.

This is your witness to the world. A bunch of power-hungry hypocrites looking to get yourselves in good with the God of your imagination. The God of the Christian Right, which is you, is a fucking bloodthirsty fascist monster with no mercy.

Obviously, we live in different worlds, with different moralities, with, tragically, a different set of facts from which to evaluate actions. I’m still working on the tear apart for asshat’s June 19, 2022 sermon on the ‘men of Issachar—men who understood the times.’ The ‘times’ now are for Christian fascism—to the glory of God. I’m at the top of the heap as a white, middle-aged male, but I care about the vulnerable. Really too pissed to write anymore right now; but I will conclude quoting the lyrics from an Arch Enemy song which now serves as an anthem for me.

Your hate is our trigger
Revolution now
The more we have to suffer
The more we will fight

With our fists up in the air

Legions marching
Ready to fire
These streets will burn
Let the black flag rise
Legions marching
Ready to fire
Empires of corruption
Crash and fall

Under black flags we march

The voice of rebellion
Calls your name
Servants of the truth
Are standing tall

With our fists up in the air…