Dragged out Kicking and Screaming

Latest revision on the explanation of the Trump-Belshazzar coin

As described in Daniel5, Belshazzar, eldest son of Nabonidus (whose army had been defeated by the Persians in 539 B.C), threw a party honoring the gods of Babylon using the sacred articles which had been looted by his forefather Nebuchadnezzar from the temple in Jerusalem. Babylon’s walls were strong so there was nothing fear—so he thought. During this party, under the Persian threat, a finger appeared to write on the wall the famous words, ‘You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting,’ forecasting Babylon’s fall. Belshazzar was done for. The Persians took the city.

On June 1, 2020, the Whitehouse was also under siege. President Trump had walled up the ‘People’s House’ and hid in a bunker due to the protests inspired by continuing police brutality which had been exacerbated by incompetent leadership and an economically devastating shutdown over the virus. Perhaps in an attempt to show strength, Trump decided to use federal, in large part, unidentified assets, to force protesters out of Lafayette Park, using tear gas and rubber bullets, so he could engage in a photo op, with Bible in hand, at St. John’s Episcopal Church, the ‘Church of the Presidents.’

We may debate the legality (and brutality) of the purge, but the photo op itself showed no reverence for the object displayed, the Bible. Trump read nothing, offered no prayer, just posed. Just like Belshazzar showed the articles from the Temple in Jerusalem, those ‘objects’ were just displays of what had been conquered, Trump waved a Bible about as symbol of what supposedly this fight is all about, the forces of chaos and rebellion against those of the Christian Right which represent order and rule of law, as something you would sell on a shopping channel. The cultural statement was clearly made, the Bible is just a symbol for something much larger—that ‘something much larger’ is political and involves force. The Episcopal bishop of Washington, Mariann Budde, described this event as the ‘abuse of sacred symbols.’ Trump abused a Bible, as ‘left-wing’ Christians such as myself see it, as an object for political benefit. As of this revision, Biden and Harris have made their speeches and calls to unity while Trump continues to cry ‘Fraud!’ without providing evidence. Treating an actual crisis as a PR problem, as both Trump and Belshazzar did, is not leadership. It is completely empty and lacks honor.

The depravity displayed at the photo op at St John’s will, I firmly believe, be in tomorrow’s history books as reference to that event frequently occur in editorials and various articles in magazines as time moves on. It is far more appropriate to link Trump with Belshazzar than to link him with Cyrus as many Christians do. The ‘prophets’ who predicted Trump’s domination are either apologizing, doubling down, or are, for the time being, remaining silent as they try to figure out what to do to keep their following.  The ‘writing is on the wall’ for Trump and those ‘prophets.’ They have no case, no evidence; all they can do is make a lot a noise and take as many with them as they can. Those who will continue to side with those depraved people making ourselves complicit, much in the name of the Christian religion, to their complete disregard for honesty, decency, and restraint. This kind of thing has happened many times before.

The 176thanniversary of the ‘Great Disappointment’ occurred a few weeks ago. When the Rapture didn’t occur then, to the ruin of many, a falsifiable belief was replaced by an unfalsifiable one. I predict we will do the same thing today. If Trump, by some miracle, wrests the electorate to himself by hook or by crook, then the hopes, and the prophecies, will be seen as vindicated by the hand of God as decided and affirmed by the people of God. Whatever craziness and depravity to follow will be seen as affirmed by the will of God as the means to a ‘greater’ end. If we are able to kick him out, which looks to be almost certain, then the faithful will suppose something to the effect that the forces of darkness, those who would ‘hurt God’ and ‘hurt the Bible,’ prevailed against the children of light thus fulfilling, in the minds of many, a certain eschatological view (dispensationalism) Christians are working very hard to make happen. Today’s prophets and apostles will have explanations for their failed prophecies and will have marching orders to follow—no matter what. The faithful will continue to have great faith. Trumpism is here to stay. Fear the one who take this chaotic movement which coalesced under Trump’s banner and cleverly used it to elevate himself to dominate. This is why I will continue to say we are being weighed in the balances–right now.

I made this investment in this coin to tell a story that needs to be told—to speak out against this bad man (and the movement which carries his name.) The coin serves as a scaffold to make an historical connection between all those who would use religion and its sacred symbols to forward their own interests regardless of the age. Today is no different. People are still people who are seduced by empty (and, in this case, blasphemous) displays. Evidence of our collective seduction may be soon to come. I cast my vote and will continue to speak my mind. No matter the political outcome, I will remain a ‘jackal among ruins’ until we collectively repent of our selfish, racist, justice-denying authoritarianism—so our nation can be truly healed.

“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” (Psalm82: 3-4.)