Weighed in the Balances

I went to bed on election night thinking I needed to brace my spirit against an emboldened and ‘mandated’ Trump who would continue, in office, to do unspeakable damage to this country and to literally billions of human beings. I woke up the next morning to new hope—though this is far from over.

I received a report that one of my fellow Christians went to bed that night feeling that all was well but woke up the next morning to then become distressed at the turn of events. What happened? Things were not well. I suppose with a sigh, that which I predicted in a previous post was said, something to the effect that, “All that has been said about the End Times says that things are going to get worse.”

I really have a hard time wrapping my head around this. There is absolutely nothing rational I can find in such a claim. How is it that so many have come to believe Trump was going to stave off The Anti-Christ? I suppose FoxNews and Trump’s faithful friend (and frequent contributor on said network) Robert Jeffress is pretty damn powerful. The fantasy has been molded and hardened into something solid. Jeffress did make a claim that Trump was here to ‘buy us time’ to save more of the lost. I guess if you believe that, it is terrible isn’t it?

In how many different ways need we show Trump is a horrible, depraved human being? Now he, to no surprise, is going scorched earth. Remember that four years ago, he claimed that there were a couple million illegal votes cast against him in his election against Hillary. In his almost four years as POTUS, his administration has failed to produce any evidence of this. Now he is making the same claim, and his people believe him. He couldn’t care less about what it is doing to this country and our faith (a very, very, important faith if you care at all about peace) in the integrity of elections. Without any evidence, he supposes (as one Republican put it) a massive conspiracy akin to one in a James Bond movie. As others have said something to the effect that if Trump had to burn the world to the ground to be King of the Ashes he’d do it. As QAnon now has a voice in Congress, we seem to be more than willing to be persuaded by all the lies to cheer as he does it.

A good man would not lie as he does—constantly. A good man would see beyond himself, and even sacrifice himself for the good of others. A good man would see, and admit, there is no evidence of significant fraud (it’s a very small fraction of a percent) and urge calm and patience as every vote is counted according to establish elections laws. It is laughable that this man is seen by millions as being for ‘law and order’ as he does his best to stir up chaos, division (and violence) to his own benefit. In our books on leadership, the qualities espoused within them are antithetical to those qualities Trump possesses. Yet better than 70 million of us choose this for leadership. It is almost unbearable to me as I fear my predictions that Christians will have doubled down on their investment in this bad man who going to do his best to burn it all.

It seems we all may be weighed in the balances and found wanting.

May God have mercy on us for embracing the wicked.